Rally to me!
Written by Bees and Nio
* - Not the first night
You start knowing how many pairs of evil players thereare.
You do not know what you ability is. Each day, privately guess what it is: you learn how accurate you are.
You start knowing how many steps from the Demon to its nearest Minion.
Each day, if you publicly guess which players are Minion(s) and which are Demon(s), good wins.
Each night, choose an alive player: either you or they are drunk until dusk. You can't die.
You have a not-in-play Minion ability.
Each night, choose a player: a Minion, if chosen, learns this. All chosen Minions have no ability.
The Demon thinks you are a Minion. Minions think you are a Demon.
Each night, if the dead equal or outnumber the living, you learn 1 alive character. The Demon knows you are the King.
Poppy Grower
Minions & Demons do not know each other. If you die, they learn who each other are that night.
Each night*, you learn if a Demon voted today.
You have the ability of the most recently killed executee. If they are evil, you are poisoned until a good player dies by execution.
Each night*, choose 2 players: they can't die tonight, but 1 is drunk until dusk.
Village Idiot
Each night, choose a player: you learn their alignment. [+0 to +2 Village Idiots. 1 of the extras is drunk]
1 player is drunk, even if you die. If you guess (once) who it is, learn the Demon player, but guess wrong & get false info.
You might register as evil & as a Minion or Demon, even if dead.
When you die, 1 player is drunk from now on.
You think you are a demon, but you are not. The Demon knows who you are & who you choose at night.
Plague Doctor
When you die, the Storyteller gains a Minion ability.
Each day, before nominations, you may publicly choose a player: they die. If executed, you only die if you lose roshambo.
Organ Grinder
All players keep their eyes closed when voting and the vote tally is secret. Each night, choose if you are drunk or not.
If you publicly claim to be the Goblin when nominated & are executed that day, your team wins.
All players know you are the Vizier. You can not die during the day. If good voted, you may choose to execute immediately.
Evil Twin
You & an opposing player know each other. If the good player is executed, evil wins. Good can't win if you both live.
Lil' Monsta
Each night, Minions choose who babysits Lil' Monsta & "is the Demon". Each night*, a player might die. [+1 Minion]
Each night*, choose a player: they die. If you kill yourself this way, a Minion becomes the Imp.
Each night*, choose a player: they die. You start by choosing a player: they are poisoned. You die if & only if they are dead.
Each night*, choose a player: they die. Minions you kill keep their ability & poison 1 Townsfolk neighbor. [-1 Outsider]
- There might be 1 extra or 1 fewer Outsider in play.
- Use the Djinn's special rule. All players know what it is.
Poppy Grower
: If the Cannibal eats the Poppy Grower, then dies or loses the Poppy Grower ability, the Demon and Minions learn each other that night.
Plague Doctor
: If the Plague Doctor dies, a living Minion gains the Goblin ability in addition to their own ability, and learns this.
Evil Twin
Plague Doctor
: The Storyteller cannot gain the Evil Twin ability if the Plague Doctor dies.
: If the Vizier loses their ability, they learn this. If the Vizier is executed while they have their ability, their team wins.
: If the Vizier is in play, the Alsaahir must also guess which Demon(s) are in play.
: If the Alchemist has the Vizier ability, they may only choose to execute immediately if three or more players voted, regardless of those players' alignment.
: If the Vizier and Magician are both in play, the Demon does not learn the Minions.
Lil' Monsta
: Each night, the Magician chooses a Minion: if that Minion & Lil' Monsta are alive, that Minion babysits Lil' Monsta
Lil' Monsta
Poppy Grower
: If the Poppy Grower is in play, MInions don't wake together. They are woken one by one, until one of them chooses to take the Lil' Monsta token.
Lil' Monsta
: The Vizier can die by execution if they are babysitting Lil' Monsta